Sunday, February 2, 2014

here is a song that means a lot to me and i hope it will to you to... copy and paste this in your search bar... and the rest of the songs...
it helps me get through a lot of hard things even church is hard for me my life has changed a lot in the past months but we still need to trust... TRUST i will say this a lot but it helps trust in god.. trust he has a plan for you i love this verse... be patience god is not finished with me yet. even thou some times i want him to be so i can go home and see Elijah again soon but then i remember be patience god is not finished with me yet he has a plan and he will never forget that plan he has one for you to we dont know what that plan is but he does and he has your name written on his hands he took the punishment for your sins.. not his because he had no sins to pay the price for..
       this is from my sisters wedding last year in October and now they have a beautiful child who i love with all my being.. yes you could say we are one big happy family but we cant ever stitch up the hole that has been made it has been made and will never close till we all are in heaven with Elijah again. that hole is one big hole that was for Elijah him self and nothing on earth can take the place in that hole in are family but he is still in are family and still watching over all of us today and right now.
Elijah had a different perspective of that he said god says there is no crying in heaven but if people in heaven could see us they would cry because of sad things that happen here on earth. i dont know about that but that was his perspective of it and it matters very much and he knows now id he was right or not. but here is one more song and i came to know this song by singing it in my first concert at the middle school and it also means a lot to me and my family!
there is a song with the lyrics
                                            im coming home
                                            im coming home
                                  tell the world im coming home
                                      let the rain wash away
                                  and all the pain of yesterday
                          i know my kingdom awaits and there forgiving
                                           my mistakes
               im coming home im coming home tell the world im coming. . . home....


  1. Ana,
    Your writing is so strong and right from your heart.
    Keep sharing your feelings!
    Love to you,
    Mrs. Hamm

  2. Right on! So proud of your love for Jesus. Keep shining His light. Your words are a gift. Love Mama
