Monday, January 27, 2014

Recently I lost my older brother to a car accident and since then my life has been very hard to do a lot of the things I do... and I wish I could be happy but I just can't I wish he could still be here to enjoy the wonderfull moments with my new born niece but I know he is here with every moment of my life. Some of my very good friends haven't stoped reminding me that I have lost my brother but I gained a gardening angle and I know he is with me now even when I can't see him. So if you have lost a very deer one some time you will know the hurt the pane and the grieving because I know that I am not the only one out there that has lost a loved one. But even if you have not lost a loved one and you are grieving something else you still need to trust, trust is my hope word trust in the Lord that he has a plan for your life trust him that one day when your strength is failing and the end draws close he will have a plan for you and I don't know if you will be speechless or if you will sing his praises unending but I do know that if you trust him with all you heart and ask him to come in to your heart and be clean I know you will have eternal life in him.


  1. Christiana. This is beautiful. Write your way through this time. God is doing a wonderful work in you. I am so proud of you.

  2. So precious! You are going to be a beautiful writer just like your momma!

  3. Very hope-filled! Thank you so much for sharing from your heart so that others may also be encouraged. May the Lord Bless you and others with the gifts you have been given!

  4. Thank you for your beautiful words. Losing someone you love is one of the hardest things on Earth.

  5. Wow, thank you for your honesty, Christiana. I especially appreciate the part about "whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one or something else". . .. A lot of times we human beings can become brittle and hardened to God's love and God's voice because we are sad about our losses. Thanks for the reminder that God really does have a plan for each life! God bless you as continue to grieve the loss of your brother. You were blessed to have a loving relationship with him, and those memories will always be yours until you are reunited with him and with Jesus one day.

  6. You are very special and are showing a lot of courage. I am praying a prayer for you today, that God would touch you as you miss Elijah. Thanks for sharing your heart. You are a very neat young lady.

  7. I love you so much Ana, this is beautiful. God is really working in you through this. Keep trusting him and know that I am always here

  8. GOD IS gOOD. YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL.. YOUR SOUL SHINES EVEN IN SORROW.. AND AS YOU SAY SO ELEQUENTLY, " when your strength is failing and the end draws close he will have a plan for you and I don't know if you will be speechless or if you will sing his praises unending but I do know that if you trust him with all you heart and ask him to come in to your heart and be clean I know you will have eternal life in him." MAY THE CHURCH SAY *AMEN*. PRAISE THE LORD... CHILD, YOU CAN PREACH IT! - Ama
